Keep your impact ACTUAL when your presence is VIRTUAL

Teacher always connects to students to clarify thier doubts,conduct online classes,assignments and quizes
Head of the Institute can organize teachers and students to adopt more interactive teaching methdologies
Business Head
Business head can organize the team with instant and interactive meetings for high productivity
Subject experts can enroll and organize tutions. This platform enables to reach their skillset to multiples.

Smart assistant
Let your presence multiply.Be a personal mentor...
VisualBench provides virtual teaching platform as a substitute for physcial teaching environment or business meetings. Growing online education is becoming more advantageous for many.In this scenario, customized software tool is needed to make it more rewarding for instructors to teach and enjoyable for students to learn.

One for all
Build one-to-one OR one to many tutoring rooms
Don't just only be limited to video conference / online lessons.VisualBench provides customized virtual classroom apps featuring streaming video and audio, messaging, and many other interactive learning capabilities.
Build custom, white-label, learning applications with endless possibilities.
Avoid and overcome technical hurdles like dropped connections, latency, and poor audio and video quality.

Intro video
About Vclass in a short video

Virtual World
if virtual classroom is highly interactive what is the need of physical class room.
- I am Head of Institute
- I am Teacher / Tutor
- I am Business Head
Logics is built on AI
Create online test for your students instantly.
Logics is an online test and performance assessment secured software application.Academy can create and manage online exams. Upload questions for an exam OR Maintanin database to conduct test for subjectwise/chapterwise. Create test and approve to publish for students.You can simply create mock tests for your students for all the types of exams.

Logics is a configurable tool that supports various exam formats. Supports Maths equation editor,Graphics,different fonts and formats. Online Test by Subject wise or Grand Test Subject wise / Chapter wise / Topic wise Graphical Charts analysis Student can submit descriptive exams or home works.Logics is the single software for complete online exam management lifecycle.
ERP Software for Educational Institutes.
Digital School is the administration software application for educational institutes to simplify the complexities in administration process. Available in both versions online and offline, Digital School Cloud and Digital School Desktop.

Digital School is a customizable software available with many integrated modules which automates the student life cycle, academic system, finacial and staff management systems. It is quite suitable for a variety of educational institutions including school,colleges and academies. Application integrated with Online Fee Payments,Digital Attendance Systems,SMS and automated voice call service. Digital School Cloud provides mobile APP which is a great communication platform for parent and institute.